Workers Comp Lawyer
Workers Comp

Reasons to Hire a Boston Workers Comp Lawyer

Any kind of injury is unfortunate for the patient and his family. The stress, anxiety, and agony the family goes through are immeasurable. Often injuries lead to economic loss as well. So, when the injury occurs at the workplace, it feels even more painful.

Thankfully, there are laws in place to protect worker’s rights in case of a workplace injury. By law, you are entitled to receive worker’s compensation. However, note that it is a legal process, so you have to seek the help of an attorney to file your claim.  Click here for a Boston Workers Comp Attorney if you wish to legally receive worker’s compensation benefits in Boston.

Are you not sure if hiring a lawyer is a good idea for you? Then the following points will help you gain clarity on this matter.

What Is Workplace Injury?

In Boston, all employees can file a claim for worker’s compensation for the following workplace injuries:

  • Physical or mental damage
  • Scarring or disfigurement of the body
  • Contracting physical ( like Covid-19, Hepatitis, Cancer) or mental illness (like depression, PTSD)

If you suffered any of these at your workplace or while doing your work, then it will be considered a workplace injury. If you have missed work, lost wages, then you can contact a lawyer to file your legal claim.

Why Do You Need A Lawyer?

There are multiple ways a lawyer can help you in the entire legal process. First of all, filing a claim is a legal process, and legal work is often very complicated. If you do not have the knowledge and experience, you will find the process extremely frustrating. You will need professional help.

Often employers deny that the injury occurred at the workplace. Injuries of mild nature often go unreported in the workplace but aggravate later. Sometimes a disease develops due to prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals at the workplace, which one cannot know immediately. This becomes a loophole for the employer to deny responsibility in such situations. Employers may also delay providing you the paperwork for reporting the injury. You will need a lawyer to prove legally that the injury or disease happened at the workplace.

Compensation differs on the severity of the injury.

For partial disability, you can get 75% of the difference in your average weekly wage before and after injury. In case of total disability, you can receive 66% of the weekly wage, living allowance. In some cases, you can even receive them for life. A lawyer can prove better, which qualifies as a permanent (full or partial) disability in legal terms, so you get maximum benefit.

Insurance companies try to dodge Insurance claims for disability or medical expenses due to workplace injuries. It also happens that insurance companies may outright deny your legitimate claim. Remember, it is your rightful money, and you deserve to receive it. Therefore, in case your insurance company denies it, you will need a lawyer to represent you. Your lawyer can use legal skills to help you get the insurance money.

You will need the help of an attorney to recover all of your lost wages and medical expenses due to the injury. In case you are offered compensation that is less than what you deserve, the lawyer can help you file a claim. Your lawyer will help prove to the court that you need more benefits from your worker’s compensation.

If you have a pre-existing condition, you can still receive the benefits. If the injury aggravates this condition, you can ask for compensation. However, insurance companies often deny money, blaming the pre-existing condition for the pain. You will need a lawyer to legally prove the circumstances of the injury.

Not all employers take it lightly when their employees file a worker’s compensation claim. Employers may mistreat, demote, or sack the employer because of the claim they filed. If you face the same, your lawyer can file a new lawsuit against your employer and prove the wrongful penalties to the court.

Final Advice

After you file a claim, you will have a conciliation meeting with your insurance company, their lawyer, and a DIA conciliator. If you want the process to go smoothly, it is wise to have a lawyer represent you.

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